A Quick Look at My Phone
Ohhh, I absolutely hate myself if I look at my phone for more than 20 seconds in front of my kids! I mean, what am I teaching them in that moment?! This stupid thing is more important than you and anything else in the world, that’s what. You know, you think about it, after they start school and you add up all the hours they are away from you, well, you just don’t really get much time with them. And then the wind blows, distracts you for a moment, and you turn back around to find they are grown and leaving for good.
Anyway, this one pager represents the realization I have come to that I will not let myself be one of those parents who looks back 20 years from now and wishes they had spent more time with their kids and less time on their phone.
Alright, off my soapbox. Thank you for stopping by and checking out my comics. If you want to help me make more and have a laugh, you can purchase my comedy album here. Or send a contribution to paypal.me/coryjarviscomedian. Thank you and may the force be with you, always.